Your support matters
Make a Donation
Every donation helps us get another Veteran off the couch and on the water.
Every donation helps us get another Veteran off the couch and on the water.
A gift of this amount could purchase a kayak trailer, enabling us to transport multiple kayaks.
A gift of this amount could sponsor the entire setup of a large kayak. To include the kayak, rod, reel, paddle, PDF, net, tackle box, rod holder, paddle leash, safety flag, whistle, etc.
A gift of this amount could sponsor the entire setup of a small kayak. To include the kayak, rod, reel, paddle, PDF, net, tackle box, rod holder, paddle leash, safety flag, whistle, etc.
A gift of this amount could purchase a small kayak.
A gift of this amount could purchase the necessary accessories for a kayak, such as a rod, reel, paddle, PDF, net, tackle box, rod holder, paddle leash, safety flag, whistle, etc.
A gift of this amount could purchase a rod and reel or a PFD.